Topic Describe Your Mother – IELTS Speaking


Chủ đề “Describe Your Mother” trong chủ đề này bạn nên tăng cường thêm vốn từ cũng như những cấu trúc câu tả người. Do chủ đề này không chỉ xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS mà còn trong cả giao tiếp hằng ngày và trong công việc. Học IELTS cần sự kiên trì và nổ lực phấn đấu thật nhiều, do đó bạn hãy dành thời gian ôn luyện nhiều lên nhé.

Sau đây, Tuhocielts sẽ chia sẻ với bạn vốn từ vựng và bài mẫu cho dạng “Describe Your Mother” – IELTS Speaking part 2, cùng khám phá nhé!

A. Từ vựng và cấu trúc câu theo chủ đề

1. Từ vựng

GentleDịu dàng
Ex:My mom is a gentle, loving woman.
SternNghiêm khắc
Ex:My mom often gives me a stern look whenever I forget to clean up my mess. 
AmiableDễ mến
Ex: People say that my mom is very amiable.
Nuclear familyGia đình 2 thế hệ
AffectionTình cảm
A strong bondLiên kết mạnh mẽ
Loving natureBản chất yêu thương
Parenting method  Cách dạy con
SacrificedHy sinh
CaringQuan tâm
CompassionateTrắc ẩn

2. Cấu trúc câu hay sử dụng

  • He/ She is definitely…………….
  • The reason I admire his/her is………
  • It’s pretty hard to pinpoint one out but if I have to, I would like to describe ………..
  • To describe how he/she influenced me,……..
  • He/ She taught me……….

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B. Sample IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Chủ đề Describe Your Mother

Topic Describe Your Mother – IELTS Speaking
Topic Describe Your Mother – IELTS Speaking

Describe A Family member who you spend the most time with

You should say:

  • What this person is?
  • What kind of person he/ she is?
  • What you usually do together?
  • And explain why you spend most time with him/her?

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Sample 1

I am going to talk about my mom – a person I spend the most time with. Her name is Ngoc Diep, which can be literally translated into English as ‘Golden Leave’. Although she was already in her early sixties, she looked pretty much younger with a fine figure and, surprisingly, not a lot of wrinkles and grey hair to be found. She really knows how to dress smartly, and that was why my dad fell for her the very moment he laid his eyes on her when they were younger (laugh).

Hi vọng bài biết Topic Describe Your Mother – IELTS Speaking giúp các bạn học tốt hơn

Nếu bạn đang gặp khó khăn trong quá trình ôn luyện thi IELTS Speaking – Chỉ với Khóa học này giúp bạn Tăng từ 0.5-1.0 Band chỉ với 10 buổi học chuyên sâu

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Hôm nay: Tặng Voucher Học phí khóa học IELTS: Tư Vấn Ngay

One of the things that most impressed me about her was the fact that she still remained perfectly exuberant and charismatic, which was quite rare for elderly people at her age. We do a lot of window-shopping every weekend, and every once in a while I and my mom go to the cinema for some musicals and romantic movies we both love.

As a young woman myself, I often confide in her whenever I have problems. Whether it be trivial matters at work or big life decisions, I always turn to her for advice. It is not an overstatement to say that without her, my life would be a huge mess.

Vocabulary highlights

1. literally translateddịch nguyên văn, dịch nghĩa đen
2. in her early sixtiesở tuổi lục tuần (giai đoạn đầu)
3. a fine figuredáng đẹp
4. wrinklenếp nhăn
5. fall forphải lòng
6. lay one’s eyes onđể mắt, gặp ai
7. exuberanttràn đầy năng lượng
8. charismaticlôi cuốn
9. window-shoppingđi shopping nhưng chỉ ngắm chứ không mua
10. every once in a whilethỉnh thoảng
11. confide intâm sự
12. whether it bedù là
13. trivialnhỏ nhặt
14. turn tonhờ ai đó giúp

Sample 2

I have got a nuclear family that has only five members. We obviously have our own difference and sometimes we fight but all of us love each other very much. We share a strong bond and affection. It’s pretty hard to pinpoint one out but if I have to, I would like to describe my mother.

She’s possibly the first one I saw when I opened my eyes to this world. I love her to the bottom of my heart. I respect her intelligence and her loving nature. She is definitely the kindest person I have ever and will ever met. She is perky, charismatic, optimistic and the ray of sunshine in my life.

To describe how she influenced me, I’d say it’s her parenting method that make me become who I am at the moment. She taught me patience, honesty and hard work brings success. I spent 18 years living with my parents and those virtues are our living motto until now. I am currently living alone now but whenever I have a chance, I’ll always visit my parents and tell them everything. My mother gives great advice.

The reason I admire her, well – she is caring, compassionate, and possesses kindness and love for everyone. She is an ideal mother who raised all of her children and ensured their quality education and moral values. She has sacrificed a lot and had never complained about anything to us. Thank you for listening

Tuhocielts hy vọng rằng những kiến thức và bài mẫu được chia sẻ ở trên sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo hiệu quả cho chủ đề Describe Your Mother trong bài thi IELTS Speaking.  Hãy chia sẽ bài viết này nếu bạn thấy hữu ích nhé!

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