Bài mẫu Describe Your Dream Job – Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking

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Với Describe your Dream job là một dạng chủ đề dưới IELTS Speaking Part 2, chủ đề này cũng mang ý nghĩa tương tự Talk about your Future Plan . Tùy vào nội dung dưới hình bạn muốn kể tới mà chủ đề của nghi vấn sẽ thay đổi theo. Vì thế, bạn thiết yếu vốn từ vựng tốt cũng như những cách phát triển và hệ thống ý một cách hiệu quả để câu giải đáp của bạn đạt được điểm tối đa.

Trong bài viết ngày hôm nay, Tuhocielts.vn sẽ tổng hợp các bài viết về chủ đề describe dream job cho các bạn những cấu trúc, từ vựng và bài dòng sample cho đề describe your dream job nhé!

Hôm nay hãy cùng tuhocielts.vn tìm hiểu về Describe Your Dream Job – IELTS Speaking nhé!

1. Bố cục bài Talk about your dream job – IELTS Speaking

Để có thể chuẩn bị bài IELTS Speaking tốt nhất, bạn nhất định phải hiểu rõ cấu trúc của bài mà mình sắp nói trước. Và điều này tất nhiên là phải được bạn chuẩn bị từ trước khi thi. Vì khi thi bạn sẽ chẳng có đủ thời gian để nghĩ ra được một sườn bài mới đâu.

Vậy nên Tự học IELTS sẽ giúp bạn chuẩn bị trước nhé! Bạn nên sử dụng những câu hỏi đã được cho sẵn trong cue card để làm sườn bài để theo sát nội dung của đề.

Bố cục cho bài IELTS Speaking 2:



  • Question 1:
    • Direct answer
    • Detail 1
    • Detail 2
  • Question 2:
    • Direct answer
    • Detail 1
    • Detail 2
  • Question 3:
    • Direct answer
    • Detail 1
    • Detail 2
  • Question 4:
    • Direct answer
    • Detail 1
    • Detail 2



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2. Cấu trúc câu với chủ đề Describe your dream job 

Cấu trúc câu với Describe your dream job

  • I have always wanted to become………….
  • …………… is what I find intriguing and fascinating.
  • I’d say ………….is the company that I’d love to work for.
  • To be able to be …………., I need…………..

Muốn đạt “dream job” thì việc nắm giữ một tấm bằng ngoại ngữ – IELTS là hoàn toàn cần thiết. Hãy tận dụng khoảng thời gian nghỉ nhà tránh dịch Corona này để theo đuổi mục tiêu IELTS của mình nhé!

Describe your dream job
Describe your dream job

3. Từ vựng sử dụng cho chủ đề Talk about your dream job – IELTS Speaking

Accountant: kế toánDentist: nha sĩTour guide: hướng dẫn viên du lịch
Advertising executive: trưởng phòng quảng cáoEngineer: kỹ sưPart-time: bán thời gian
Architect: kiến trúc sưEstate agent: nhân viên bất động sảnFull-time: toàn thời gian
Artist: nghệ sĩPainter: họa sĩPermanent: dài hạn
Bank clerk: nhân viên ngân hàngPhotographer: thợ ảnhTemporary: tạm thời
Businessman: doanh nhânPilot: phi côngPromotion: thăng chức
Cashier thu ngânSecretary: thư kýSalary increase: tăng lương
Chef: đầu bếp trưởngShopkeeper: chủ cửa hàngJob description: mô tả công việc
Composer: nhà soạn nhạcSinger: ca sĩDepartment: phòng ban

4. Câu trả lời mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 1, 2, 3 Topic: Work/Job

Chào một số bạn, hôm nay cô share các bài loại dính líu đến IELTS Speaking bao gồm cả 3 Part với topic dính líu đến Work/Job. Các bạn đang đi làm có thể tham khảo để luyện thi IELTS cấp tốc, khi đi thi nếu gặp topic này thì áp dụng ngay, dễ ăn điểm trọn vẹn

cau hoi speaking ielts 1
Câu hỏi về IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions topic Work/Job

1. Do you work or study?

Well, I have just finished college and currently I’m working as a freelance copywriter. This is what I love to do ever since I was a college student. I have a passion for digital marketing, and how blessed I am to have a job that gives me pay cheques and the freedom to create, without having to spend days in an office.

2. Is that a popular job in your country?

I don’t really know. I suppose marketing is a popular choice in general, but not a lot of people can develop a passion for copywriting since they think it can be a dull job. In that case, I don’t really blame them though, because having to create similar contents for days can be quite monotonous.

3. Are there anything special about your job?

As I have mentioned earlier, what I love about my job the most is that it gives me the freedom to create. Unlike many other office work, I don’t have to spend an entire day in my office, which is pretty cool. My boss, who is very intuitive, actually encourages me to go outside to find inspirations for my work.

4. Is there another type of job you would like to do?

Besides this, ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamt of becoming a writer, like J.K Rowling, you know. I think literature is one of the strongest media that can reflect all aspects of life. Journalism sounds great too, but I have never been good at photography, so writing books is probably the only other job I would want to do.

5. Would you recommend your current job to other people?

Yes, I would recommend it to everybody who is majoring in Business in general. Copywriting can be stressful sometimes, but I believe that it can foster your creativity and imagination to a large extent. If you’re good enough, you can be the trend setter for almost anything in the market.

Từ vựng hay:

  • Freelance(adj): làm tự do
  • Have / develop a passion for sth: có đam mê cho điều gì
  • Give sb pay cheques: cho ai thu nhập
  • Monotonous(adj): một màu, chán nản
  • Intuitive(adj): thấu hiểu
  • Dream of sth: mơ ước điều gì
  • Medium (n): phương tiện truyền tải
  • Reflect (v): phản ánh
  • Foster creativity and imagination: nuôi dưỡng sự sáng tạo và trí tưởng tượng
  • Trend setter: người dẫn đầu xu hướng

6. Do you work or study?

 Well, for the past couple of years, I’ve been working for [ABC Company] as a [a job’s title], which is among the top 10 listed firms in my country. In fact, this is my first job ever & I love it so much, and I think it’s a very interesting, yet challenging line of work. Currently I’m working really hard to contribute to the success of this prestigious company.

7. Why did you choose your job?

 I am really into[……], and I always believe that I was born for [……]. My dream is to be a successful […..] one day.

8. What do you like about your job?/ Why did you choose to do that type of work?

Answer: I guess it’s mainly because of the job flexibility & my passion for journalism. To be more specific, this job offers me alternatives to the typical nine-to-five work schedule, enabling me to find a better balance between work and life. Besides, this job gives me opportunities to pursue my dream to become a journalist down the road.


Answer: Well I guess the thing I like most about this job is the salary. I make what I’d consider is a lucrative income, which means not only is it enough to cover my bills, but there’s also some extra to spend on whatever I want. So on payday, I often treat myself to a meal at a high-end restaurant or splurge on a nice shirt.


  • Lucrative income: Thu nhập sinh lời
  • High-end: the most sophisticated, and typically the most expensive product in a line: tinh vi nhất và thường đắt nhất, hiểu nghĩa cao cấp.
  • Splurge on something: to spend a lot of money on someone or something: ý hiểu để chi tiêu rất nhiều tiền vào một ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó.

9.  What do you dislike about your job?

Sometimes I feel dead tired when sitting in front of a computer screen all day long to deal with overwhelming workload.  I mean, I’ve led a sedentary lifestyle which really exerts a negative effect on my physical & mental health & I have had a very hectic schedule, which always keeps me up to my ears in deadlines. Down the road I am yearning for a job that involves dealing with people & makes me feel less stressful.

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  • Dead tired: exhausted ( Mệt mỏi, kiệt sức)
  • All day long: during the entire day (cả ngày dài, suốt cả ngày)
  • Overwhelming:  very intense (Áp đảo, rất mãnh liệt)
  • Sedentary lifestyle: a type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity (Lối sống ít vận động, chỉ một loại lối sống với ít hoặc không có hoạt động thể chất)
  • Hectic: busy (ý chỉ bận rộn)
  • Up to my ears in something: busy doing something (ý chỉ bận rộn để làm điều gì)
  • Down the road: in the future (thành ngữ ý chỉ trong tương lai)
  • Yearn for:  to feel a powerful desire for something (để cảm thấy một mong muốn mạnh mẽ cho một cái gì đó)

10. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

Answer:  Actually, I don’t think I’m able to dedicate myself to any other job rather than this one. In fact, to me it’s the experiences and opportunities I can gain that really matters. 

To dedicate to Sth: devote (time or effort) to a particular task or purpose ( ý chỉ cống hiến (thời gian hoặc công sức) cho một nhiệm vụ hoặc mục đích cụ thể)

11. Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?

Answer:  Well, this question pops into my mind from time to time, but to be honest, I have never managed to have an answer for it. I reckon that 10 years is such a long time and anything could happen, so it is hard to tell from now. 

12. Do you miss being a student?

Answer:  I surely will miss my student life once I get involve in the workplace. For me I think when I’m a student, at least I have someone guide me, whereas at work mostly you must guide yourself. The academic environment appears to be a comfort zone for me, while I’m sure I’ll struggle with fitting in the working environment.

Cụm từ:

  • To get involve in: to become a part of (an organization) nghĩa là để tham gia vào, trở thành một phần của một tổ chức, cơ quan.
  • To fit in: to become suitable or appropriate for Sth or S nghĩa là để phù hợp với, để trở thành phù hợp hoặc thích hợp cho Sth hoặc SO.

13. What do you do after work?

Answer:  I normally cook dinner, relax and walk my dog. Depending on my schedule, I might have plans with friends to meet for a coffee or shopping. In summer I go to the beach for a couple of hours then return home to cook dinner.

Một số câu hỏi khác cần chú ý:

  • Would you like to change your job in the future?
  • What would you change about your job?
  • Do you prefer working alone or with others? Why?
  • How many hours do you work each day?
  • Do you have to work with other people?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Job/Work

Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Job/Work
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Job/Work

You should say:

  • why it is important.
  • is it important to make a good last impression as well
  • what ways would you do it in your job interview
  • what is your dream job
  • and explain how to make a good first impression in a job interview.

Band 8 Sample Answer:

It’s of common sense that most people at my age are now seeking for good job opportunity. Thus, I have to get to know how to leave a good first impression in a job interview. Today, I would like to share with you some of my knowledge about this topic.

In a professional situation, the first impressions are significantly important. Most job interviews don’t last more than 45 minutes. In such a short period of time, from those who don’t know anything about ourselves, we have to persuade them that we are qualified enough for the position we applied for. Thus, a good first impression can help to increase the success rate in our application process.

There are many things a candidate can do create positive first impression. You may choose following some among these tips or all of them, such as arriving on time for the interview, dressing formally, use appropriate ways of behavior and communications.

Besides, there are some noted points that you should pay much attention to like job description, company information which you acquired through researches. By going through the required tasks and skills for the vacancy, company’s culture or giving some suggestions to improve productivity of the tasks you might be in charge of when you take that position can help you stand out from other candidate. For me, I would choose to follow all tips above.

Apart from first impression, I strongly believe that last impressions are important as well. Often we are not accepted immediately in the interview. Recruiting team will have to take into account all candidates’ performances during the interview to choose the most suitable ones for the position. Therefore, good first impression only is not enough, we have to build good relationship with recruiters by making good last impression, too. By doing so, we showed our respect to recruiters and the job we apply for.

Being in a job interview is not an enjoyable experience. However, we have to get through it to pursue our dream jobs. Thus, we should prepare well enough for occasions like that.


  • be of common sense: something are widely known (ý chỉ độ phổ biến chung, một cái gì đó được biết đến rộng rãi)

Ex: The fact that “the sun rises in the east and set in the west” is of common sense.

  • go through: study carefully about ( ý chỉ học hành, nghiên cứu cẩn thận về)

Ex: Collins went through every legal book she could find.

  • vacancy: a job that no one is doing and is available for someone new to do ( ý chỉ vị trí tuyển dụng)

Ex: There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays.

  • stand out: to be much better than other similar things or people ( ý chỉ nổi bật, tốt hơn nhiều so với những thứ hoặc những thứ tương tự khác)

Ex: We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.

  • take into account: to consider or remember something when judging a situation

Ex: A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.

  • get through: to manage to deal with a difficult situation (vượt qua, ý chỉ để quản lý đối phó với một tình huống khó khăn)

Ex: I just have to get through the first five minutes of my speech, and then I’ll be fine.

Other similar topics: Describe the job you would most like to have

You should say:

  • what this job would be
  • where you would work
  • which qualifications you would need and
  • explain why you would like to have this job most.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions topic Job/Work

a. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?

Answer: Well, I have never thought about this, but I reckon that professional careers such as the fields of law, education, and medicine may be the most highly-acclaimed ones. It is mainly because of the fact that people working in these fields can easily earn lucrative income compared to others.

b. Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What’s your opinion?

Answer: Well, I used to be a full time employee & felt very stressful. To be specific, most of the time, I had a hectic schedule & was up to ears in heavy workloads to meet deadlines. Therefore, although running my own business is really challenging, I do feel far more comfortable with it.

c. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?

Answer: As far as I know, more and more people, especially the young generations are involved in setting up their own businesses. Thus, the “start-up” community is now more alive than ever, especially tech startups.

d. What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?

Answer: Well, this is an interesting question. If I were offered a job, I would definitely go through the company’s compensation package such as salary, allowances, maternity or paternity leave, insurance, pension plans, vacations, etc. Also, I’d need to know about my area of responsibilities so that I can make sure that I will not be overwhelmed with heavy workloads down the road.

Các từ vựng và cấu trúc câu tại trên là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo vô cùng hiệu quả cho một số bạn có thể dùng không chỉ với chủ đề Describe your Dream job mà còn nhiều chủ đề khác dưới bài thi IELTS Speaking. Bạn có thể tham khảo thêm một số chủ đề khác ở chuyên mục IELTS Speaking nhé!

5. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – IELTS Speaking

Describe your dream job
You should say:
– What is it?
– What is it like?
– What qualifications do you need for this job?
– And explain why you think it is perfect

5.1. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Teacher


  • What it is: Teacher/English/in a center or school
  • What it is like: teach English language/IELTS/Communication
  • What qualification you need for this job: TESOL/passion/social skills
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: meet many students/inspire/spread value

Bài mẫu:

Today I would like to tell you about my dream job.

It is the job of a teacher who teaches English. I would say I don’t mind working in either a language center or a big school or even a university as long as they are reliable. You know, the reason is that these days I have heard so many dramas going on around several English centers and that makes me worried.

In terms of the job’s characteristics, it is to teach the English language of course. However, due to the recently increasing demand, I would like to choose IELTS and Communication English to focus on.

To be qualified for this job, first of all, we need to have a TESOL degree, which is all about the training course of teaching English to make us professional teachers. More than that, this job requires us to have great passion and patience because we need to meet up with a lot of different students who come from different backgrounds and various personalities. That is why, on top of all, social skills are critically important, especially for modern teachers like me.

This job to me is perfect for several reasons:

First, I can get to meet many students who always have a story to tell and I believe we can learn something from them like life experience, another perspective towards some common social issues.

Second, a teacher also has the capability to inspire others with his or her life story. I don’t mean that we have to always share our personal stories to make students like us but what I mean is to encourage students to love the language by the way we share our real-life experiences, examples with them.

Last but not least, by teaching the language, a teacher also has an opportunity to spread the value of the language to students which helps them see the language as an art of communication, not just merely a test or a tool to earn money.

That’s all I would like to say. Thank you for your listening.

Từ vựng:

reliable: đáng tincritically important: vô cùng quan trọng
dramas: vụ bê bốisocial issues: vấn đề xã hội
characteristics: tính chấtcapability: khả năng
demand: nhu cầureal-life experiences, examples: những trải nghiệm và ví dụ thực tế
passion: đam mêan art of communication: nghệ thuật giao tiếp
patience: sự kiên nhẫna tool to earn money: công cụ kiếm tiền.
background: lai lịchperspective: cái nhìn, khía cạnh

5.2. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Salesman


  • What it is: salesman/high-end fashion brand/in a big shop in the city center
  • What it is like: assist customers/introduce products/create demand and taste 
  • What qualification you need for this job: communication/observation/passion 
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: meet and talk to many people/make people happy/spread fashion’s value

Bài mẫu:

Ok so let me tell you about my dream job. 

It is the job of a salesman of a high-end fashion brand who works in a big shop in the city center where there are many potential buyers wandering around. 

In this job, we have to assist customers when they enter the shop. Plus, by observing their appearance and behavior, we can also introduce the most suitable items to them. What’s more? We can also create new demand and new tastes for those who think they only come for window shopping. 

To be qualified for this job, we need to have excellent communication skills to persuade clients to believe in the fashion value which lies in the products. Besides, the art of observation is something that needs to be mastered too. I mean when looking at how the clients dress or behave, we don’t look too obvious but just take certain glances without letting the clients know. Also, we do need to have passion for selling stuff because we cannot do a good job without passion. That’s for sure.

I think this job is ideal for some reasons: 

I can meet and deal with many different people who somehow teach me some lessons about customer service. Plus, I’ve always known that my life’s mission is to make people happy, especially when they have spent a huge amount of money on a high-end fashion item without feeling they have lost some money to buy something. Last but most importantly, as a fashion enthusiast, telling stories of fashion items while selling is such a power booster to me as I have a chance to spread its luxurious value to my clients.

That’s all I would like to share with you about my dream job. Thank you for your listening.

Từ vựng:

potential buyers: người mua tiềm năngpersuade: thuyết phục
wandering: đi lang thangobservation: Quan sát
appearance: ngoại hìnhobviously: rõ ràng
behavior: hành vitake certain glances: liếc nhìn vài cái
suitable for: phù hợpsomehow: một cách nào đó
demand: Nhu cầucustomer service: dịch vụ khách hàng
taste: thị hiếua power booster: thức uống truyền sức mạnh
window shopping: đi shopping để ngắm và khảo giáluxurious: sang trọng

5.3. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Singer


  • What it is: a singer/ famous/ own a fancy life
  • What it is like: sing to earn money/ sing to spread positive life messages/ sing for some advertising campaign
  • What qualifications do you need for this job: good vocal skills/ sexy appearance/ interpersonal skills 
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: show off the well-trained voice/ inspire listeners by songs/ higher chance to call for a charity donation.

Bài mẫu:

OK so now let me tell you about my dream job.

Of all the jobs that I like to do, the one I like best is a job as a singer who should be famous and own a fancy life with expensive cars and a glamorous villa.

For sure it is to sing and earn money but above that, it is also to sing and spread positive life messages to listeners. I think this is the most important mission of a singer. One other aspect of this job is that we even sing for some advertising campaigns according to our contract with certain brands to trigger customer’s demand.

To be able to do this job, first of all, we need exceptional vocal skills to sing at any pitch. Then appearance comes as the second priority. Without appearance, we wouldn’t attract more audiences to hear us sing. What’s the third? It’s our interpersonal skills that help to gain and keep audiences. Definitely, without audiences, we are zero from the inside out.

This is what I would love to do for a living because the stage is where I freely perform or show off my well-trained voice from the most reputable art school. Plus, with such a voice and my songs, I shall inspire the listeners for a more positive and brighter life ahead which is crucial among young people who tend to face so many life crises in their 20s. Last but not least, as celebrities, in general, can gain trust from the audiences, we stand a higher chance to call for charity donations from them and support the people in need.

So those are the reasons why I choose to talk about my dream job as a singer. I hope my dream will become true in the future.

5.4. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Fashion Designer


  • What it is: fashion designer/ high-end fashion brand/ own a store in the city center
  • What it is like: make clothes/ get inspired by new fashion trends/ become a trendsetter
  • What qualification you need for this job: be sensitive to new trends/ observation/ passion 
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: create new fashion trends/ spread the values of an outfit that also tells the personality of the customers.

Bài mẫu:

OK so let me tell you about the job that I have always dreamed of having.

It is the job of a fashion designer who cooperates with high-end fashion brands or even owns a large store in the city center which attracts hundreds of customers every day.

In this job I will have to design new clothing styles with the inspirations of new fashion trends or, even better, I can also become the trendsetter.

To be able to do this job, I need to be sensitive and creative to catch up with new trends using my observation skills. I may need to read loads of fashion magazines, watch some fashion shows on social media and go out to public places more often to see how people dress. Lastly, I would say passion is the most important part. Without passion for creating fashion, our life means nothing.

I think this job is perfect because I can create new fashion trends which will boost the confidence of anyone who wears it. On top of that, I would say my work of fashion design is a chance for the customers to present their personality without any verbal means. Whatever they wear which is designed by me tells people who they are already.

So that’s all I would like to say about my dream job. Thank you for your listening.

Từ vựng:

  • catch up with: theo kịp
  • observation skills: kỹ năng quan sát
  • confidence: sự tự tin
  • without any verbal means: không dùng bất kỳ phương tiện ngôn từ nào

5.5. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Football Player


  • What it is: football player/ play in many championships and tournament/ advertise for some brands
  • What it is like: sign the contract to play in some football team/ perform with teammates on the grass yard/ win the trophy for the team, the country.
  • What qualification you need for this job: perfect physical health/ strong teamwork spirit.
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: stay healthy/ travel a lot/ bring the national pride for the country.

Bài mẫu:

OK so now let me tell you about my dream job.

It is the job of a football player who plays in many championships and tournaments. Besides, once I become famous, I can also take part in some advertisements for certain national brands that sponsor my team. 

In this job, I think I have to sign a contract with a football team and play for them for a period of time according to the contract. Plus, I will play with my teammates to win over the opponent in football matches. Moreover, I am supposed to win the trophy for the team and for my country. That’s exactly how I earn my living.

Well, to do a good job as a football player, I must have the perfect physical health to play anywhere, under whatever weather conditions. More than that, this job specifically requires a strong teamwork spirit as no one wins this game alone. Knowing how to collaborate with others leads to an absolute victory.

This job is perfect because firstly it helps me to stay healthy. Secondly, I can travel a lot thanks to the tournaments and championships. Thirdly, by participating in those events, I can bring national pride to my team and for my country.

Từ vựng:

championships: giải vô địchearn my living: kiếm sống
tournaments: giải đấuphysical health: sức khỏe thể chất
take part in: tham giaweather conditions: điều kiện thời tiết
sponsor: tài trợspecifically require: đặt biệt yêu cầu
sign the contract: ký hợp đồnga strong teamwork spirit: tinh thần đồng đội chặt chẽ
teammates: đồng độicollaborate: phối hợp
opponent: địch thủabsolute victory: chiến thắng tuyệt đối
win the trophy: giành được cúpnational pride: niềm tự hào quốc gia

5.6. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Computer Programmer


  • What it is: computer programmer/ freelancer/ work anywhere, anywhen. 
  • What it is like: write softwares for other companies/ solve some problems in daily life or in a company’s operation/ make life and the operation process easier. 
  • What qualification you need for this job: teamwork/ self-study/ creativity.
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: help life easier/ practice soft skills/ high salary.

Bài mẫu:

It’s my honor to share with you about my dream job

It is the job of a computer programmer who works as a freelancer. It means I can travel anywhere and work anywhen I want as long as I have a laptop and internet connection.

This job involves writing software for other companies who need the software to solve some problems in daily life or in the company’s operation. In fact, my actual job is to make life and the operation process easier with my computer program. 

To be suitable for this job, first of all, I need to have teamwork skills because when a program is written, it has to be tested by other programmers to assure the result. Therefore, communication is one of the crucial criteria. More than that, since computer science changes rapidly every year, self-study is especially needed to keep up with these changes. Lastly, creativity is taken into consideration as it decides if my software is competitive or not. 

I think this job is perfect for me because I can help make the lives of my customers easier. Imagine all the administrative tasks in a company were all carried out manually, that company wouldn’t function to its maximum capacity. Plus, thanks to this job, I can practice my soft skills like communication skills, presentation skills, interpersonal skills, and negotiation skills. And the last reason, which I think is the most appealing one, is that this job nowadays is well paid. I have never met any computer programmers who have a low income, for sure. 

So that’s all I would like to say about my dream job. Thank you for your listening.

Từ vựng:

  • honor: niềm vinh dự
  • computer programmer: lập trình viên máy tính
  • freelancer: người làm việc tự do
  • involves: yêu cầu
  • operation: sự vận hành
  • assure: đảm bảo
  • crucial criteria: những tiêu chí quan trọng
  • computer science: khoa học máy tính
  • competitive: có tính cạnh tranh
  • administrative tasks: các công việc quản trị
  • manually: một cách thủ công
  • maximum capacity: công suất tối đa
  • appealing: hấp dẫn

5.7. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Marketer


  • What it is: a marketer/ in a big company/ nine-to-five.
  • What it is like: apply some methods to trigger customer’s demand/ spread the message of the product, the brand to the customer.
  • What qualification you need for this job: a well-trained course of marketing/ a strong personality/ creativity.
  • And explain why you think it is perfect: spread the message of the product/ bring the value of the product from the brand to customers/ gain the bridge of trust  from brand to buyers.

Bài mẫu:

Now I would like to tell you about my dream job. 

It is the job of a marketer who works in a big company as a nine-to-five white-collar worker.

In this job, I will have to apply some marketing methods to trigger customers’ demand as well as convey the message of the product, the brand to the customers. I think the message is more important than the demand because it guarantees the long-term interest of the customers, and they will buy the product over again. 

To be suitable for this job, I need a well-trained course in marketing which is pretty popular in my city and with a wide range of prices. Personally, I need to have a strong personality and even be a little bit crazy with some creativity to think of the most unique ideas for advertising.

This job is perfect for me because I will be the one that decides how the brand’s message will reach the clients so that the value of the product is decently conveyed. Moreover, this job allows me to form a bridge of trust between the brand to customers. You know, trust these days is quite hard to gain. Once we have it, the success will be ours.

That’s all I would like to say about my dream job as a marketer. Thank you for your listening.

Từ vựng:

  • nine-to-five job: một công việc làm trong giờ hành chính
  • white-collar worker: nhân viên văn phòng
  • marketing methods: phương pháp tiếp thị
  • trigger customer’s demand: kích thích nhu cầu của khách hàng
  • guarantee: đảo bảo
  • long-term interest: sự hứng thú lâu dài
  • range of prices: tầm giá
  • strong personality: cá tính mạnh
  • creativity: sự sáng tạo
  • unique ideas: ý tưởng độc đáo
  • decent: đàng hoàng
  • bridge of trust: cây cầu niềm tin

5.8. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Grasshopper

Bài mẫu

You know, I have always wanted to become an author of fantasy novels ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I was hyperlexic; you know, I knew how to read at the age of 5, and when I was 6, I devoured 200-page novels on a monthly basis. 

The art of discourse always fascinates me. – oh how I love the way writers shape and mould landscapes, anecdotes, mysteries or urban legends into beautifully and logically written lines. Dragons and dungeons run in my vein, and all too often I find myself sleep-talking about wizards and witchcrafts.

Back when I was still naïve, I thought all writers were rolling in money. Just look at how J.K Rowling earned easy money by sitting comfortably at a café, doing nothing but scribble on her notes! However, when I get older, I realized that I was dead wrong. There can only be one J. K. Rowling out there, and it takes years of practice, blood and tears to become a brilliant writer.

Although I failed to realise my dream as a fantasy writer, I do write short stories in my leisure time. Come and visit my Facebook if you want to read mine!

Bài viết được theo dõi nhiều nhất:

Vocab highlights:

  • Knee-high to a grasshopper / ni-haɪ tu ə ˈgræsˌhɑpər / (idiom): còn rất nhỏ
  • Hyperlexic /ˈhaɪpə(r)leksɪk/ (adj): chỉ trẻ em có khả năng đọc sớm
  • Devour /dɪˈvaʊə(r)/ (v): đọc ngấu nghiến
  • The art of discourse / ði ɑrt ʌv ˈdɪskɔrs/ (n): nghệ thuật của ngôn từ
  • Mould /məʊld/ (v): đóng thành khuôn, tạo hình
  • Anecdote/ˈænɪkˌdəʊt/ (n): mẩu chuyện
  • Urban legend / ˈɜrbən ˈlɛʤənd/ (n): những câu chuyện huyền bí truyền miệng
  • Witchcraft /ˈwɪtʃˌkrɑːft/ (n): trò phù thủy
  • Rolling in money / ˈroʊlɪŋ ɪn ˈmʌni / (idiom): giàu nứt đố đổ vách, rất giàu
  • Scribble /ˈskrɪb(ə)l/ (v): viết nguệch ngoạc
  • Dead wrong (adj): hoàn toàn sai

Từ vựng:

  • Dream job: Công việc mơ ước;
  • Event manager: Quản lý sự kiện;
  • Conference: Hội nghị;
  • Concert: Buổi hòa nhạc;
  • Intriguing, Fascinating: Hào hứng, hấp dẫn;
  • Flexible: Linh hoạt;
  • Dynamic: Năng động;
  • Behind-the-scene: Hậu trường;
  • Procedure: Quá trình;
  • Mega event: Những sự kiện lớn;
  • Qualification: Bằng cấp;
  • Well-organized: Ngăn nắp;
  • Adversity: Sự khó khăn;
  • Efficiently: Một cách hiệu quả;
  • Error-free: Không mắc sai lầm.

5.9. Bài mẫu Talk about your dream job – Event Management

Bài mẫu:

I must admit that my dream job has nothing to do with the current job I am doing. I have always wanted to become an event manager for any kind of event from a conference to a concert. The process of planning and preparing for an event is what I find intriguing and fascinating.  

I’d probably enjoy working and being trained in such a flexible and dynamic environment that is the event industry. I would like to get to know the behind-the-scene procedure of creating from a small to a mega event. In Saigon, there are a lot of amazing event companies but If I could choose,  I’d say Gem Center is the company that I’d love to work for.

To be able to be an event manager, I need two things: a qualification in event management and working experience. My bachelor degree is Tourism and Event Management so I only need to have more competent working experience in this field to get into the position where I can be hired as an event manager. An event manager is a highly well-organized person who can handle adversity efficiently so I will need to improve at that part too.

Creating an error-free and successful event is my dream and I’m trying so hard to get to that position where I am competent to work in that position. Thank you for listening!

Trên đây là các câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 1,2,3 về topic Work/Job và 9 bài mẫu Describe Your Dream Job do Tuhocielts.vn tổng hợp thêm từ nguồn Google.com. Các bạn có thể tham khảo và chuẩn bị cho bài nói của mình tốt nhất nhé!

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