Talk about your favorite book


Topic Talk about your favorite book là một chủ đề thường xuyên có trong bài thi IELTS. Nắm vững nội dung này sẽ giúp bạn rất nhiều trong bài thi IELTS. Hãy cùng Tuhocielts tìm hiểu ngay nhé

Vocabulary Talk about your favorite book

talk about your favorite book
Talk about your favorite book
  • Science-fiction : (sách/phim) khoa học viễn tưởng
  • Non-fiction : (sách/phim) hiện thực
  • Romance : (sách/phim) tình cảm, lãng mạn
  • Mystery : (sách/phim) kì bí
  • Historical novel : tiểu thuyết lịch sử
  • Fairy tale : truyện cổ tích
  • Folk tale : truyện dân gian
  • Thriller : (sách/phim) hồi hộp, giật gân
  • Horror : (sách/phim) kinh dị
  • Biography : tiểu sử
  • Character : nhân vật
  • Plot : cốt truyện
  • From cover to cover : từ đầu tới cuối, không đựng xót trang nào
  • Paperback : bìa sách giấy
  • E-book : sách điện tử
  • A bookworm : mọt sách
  • Inspirational : truyền cảm hứng
  • To flick through : lướt qua, lật qua một lượt
  • Publish : xuất bản
  • Publisher : nhà xuất bản
  • Author : tác giả
  • A best-seller : một tác phẩm bán chạy
  • A volume in series : một chương của bộ sách
  • Comic book : truyện tranh

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Bài mẫu tham khảo IELTS Speaking Part 2

Topic 1: Describe a book you have recently read

  • What kind of book it is
  • What it is about
  • What sort of people would enjoy it
  • And explain why you liked it.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

I consider myself as a bookworm so when it comes to describing a book I read, I am really confused since I don’t know which one to choose, but I will tell you about the book that I have just finished most recently – Angels and Demons – a bestselling mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. 

The whole story revolves around the protagonist named Robert Langdon who is on a quest to rescue the Pope and discover the underlying mysteries of the Catholic church. Though the book involves a lot of religious issues, it can cater to all kinds of readers as there aren’t many technical terms. From my point of view, it is a true masterpiece, enchanting and captivating, filled with conspiracies and plot twists that really send shivers down my spine. I was so fascinated by the book that I had to find the film adaptation online to watch afterwards, and it did not let me down at all. The movie was so action-packed that it kept me on the edge of my seat.

What I especially like about the book is that it is very thought-provoking and it kept me thinking for a very long time after I had finished reading. I appreciate the moral lessons of the book. The story, though may sound distant to our lives, conveys meanings that are relatable to readers, and I am grateful that I learnt something from the book.Xem thêm Công thức timeline IELTS Speaking Part 2

All in all, it is an outstanding book that I would definitely recommend to my friends.

Hi vọng bài viết Talk about your favorite book đã giúp bạn ôn thi IELTS

Khóa học tiếng Anh luyện thi IELTS uy tín tại TPHCM

Nhận đăng ký tư vấn luyện thi tiếng Anh ở HCM: TẠI ĐÂY

Từ vựng

  • Bookworm: mọt sách
  • Protagonist: nhân vật chính/nhân vật chính diện
  • To cater to: phục vụ/làm ưng ý người nào
  • Masterpiece: sản phẩm kinh điển
  • To send shiver down onea’s spine: làm người nào rùng mình
  • Film adaptation: bản chuyển thể thành phim
  • To keep sb on the edge of one’s seat: làm người nào đó cực kỳ hồi hộp (thường cho phim, trình diễn, …)
  • Moral lessons: bài học cuộc sống

Các chủ đề tương tự

Những ý tưởng và từ vựng dưới bài chiếc trên có thể được dùng để phát triển câu giải đáp cho những chủ đề sau:

  • Describe a book you want to write: I want to write some as meaningful and provoking as “Angel and Demon”.
  • Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time: I like reading books and I hate being bothered while reading books, especially good ones like “Angel and Demon”.
  • Describe a time you enjoyed your free time: I was too focused on reading this book that I didn’t realize I’d spent 3 hours of my free time enjoying each page.

Sau khi đi qua 1/2 bài viết, bạn cảm thấy khó hiểu hay phát âm của mình chưa chuẩn? Đừng lo, Bác sĩ IELTS sẽ giúp bạn, đây là trang web cung cấp nguồn thông tin uy tín và chất lượng. Điều đặc biệt của trang web là phần hỏi đáp 2 chiều, bạn có thể hỏi bất kì vấn đề nào mình đang gặp phải và bác sĩ sẽ giúp cho bạn giải quyết chúng.

Một số bài viết nổi bật khác:

Topic 2: Describe a book that you would like to read again

  • What the book was about
  • Why you read it the first place
  • What you learned from this book
  • And explain why you would like to read it again.

Bài mẫu tham khảo

Okay so I would like to tell you about the book called Harry Potter , which is a fantasy novel, written by the British author J. K. Rowling. It’s one that I can reread time and time again.

The book describes the life of a young wizard named Harry Potter and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Harry has to struggle to kill the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to become immortal and destroy all those who stand in his way of ruling the world.

The reason why this book comes to mind is that it is a reminder of my childhood. It was a gift for my birthday from my parents to reward my high score in an exam at school. Up until now, I can still remember clearly how fascinated I was when I received it.

Thanks to this book, I realized that determination and effort play essential roles in achieving my goals. Since then, I have always worked hard to overcome all obstacles and challenges in my life.

Harry Potter will always be on my to-read list for a number of reasons. Firstly, I have always been a great admirer of science fiction books so I love the way that the author describes the whole magical world with the magic school, Hogwarts, and the flying brooms. Secondly, reading this book not only helps me to relax after a long day of work or study but also cheers me up whenever I am feeling blue.Xem thêm 30+ bài chiếc IELTS Speaking những chủ đề mới dưới Forecast Quý 1

Từ vựng

  • fantasy novel: a book that involves magic or imaginary worlds
  • author: someone who writes a book, story or article
  • time and time again: on many occasions, many times
  • immortal: to never die
  • comes to mind: an idea or thought that appears in your mind
  • fascinated: to be very interested
  • determination and effort: to focus your attention and use a lot of energy to do something
  • play essential roles: are important parts of something
  • overcome all obstacles: to get through any problems
  • to-read list: a list of books that you want to read
  • admirer: to like something
  • cheers me up: makes me feel better or happier
  • feeling blue: feeling down or sad

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